What's it like for girls?

Much of the content of this blog post is taken from an article I had published in "Therapy Today," in December 2022. 

With Enid Blyton’s...

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Last Day of Term Messages


I have just waved my youngest daughter off to school for her last day of school. Presents in her bag for the teachers and a black marker pen...

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Why do a training specifically for female ex-boarders?

My colleague Sara Warner and I provided a training day for Therapists in London who wanted to understand more about the ways boarding school may...

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“You would not expect that at a public school."

A 16-year-old boy was charged with two accounts of attempted murder in a boarding school in Devon.  He wishes to remain anonymous, but with...

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Parallels of dropping your child at university with boarding school.

This September I made the long drive from Brighton to Edinburgh to take my eldest daughter to University for the first time. We could have taken...

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What age did you leave home?

When I first did my counselling training and we were exploring Human Growth and Development, I recall the Tutor asking us, "What age did you leave...

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How do children manage puberty in boarding school?

Going through puberty is a difficult time for teenagers.  Your body starts to change, hairs start sprouting, you start to sweat more, your...

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