"Were you abused at boarding school?"

In 2019, 4 former teachers and the chaplain from the boarding school I went to were jailed for sexual abuse. I could name you several others, who...

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"I wouldn't send a dog to Boarding School aged 7." (John Bowlby - Founder of Attachment Theory).

John Bowlby's Attachment Theory explains the impact that early childhood relationships and experiences have on our development. He attains that...

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Thursday, March 15th, 1990.

I was sitting in history when we noticed some disruption over the field by the railway line. At break, we were...

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Parallels of dropping your child at university with boarding school.

This September I made the long drive from Brighton to Edinburgh to take my eldest daughter to University for the first time. We could have taken...

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Would you choose to put your child in Care?

Joy Schaverien has noted that that the definition of children in care seems to fit the child in boarding school. (Boarding School Syndrome, 2015)


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How might intimate relationships be impacted by Boarding School Trauma?

To cope with the huge attachment loss that a child is subjected to at an early age when they are sent to boarding school, many children learn to...

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