The Travel Bug or the Search for Belonging?

This morning I received a message from my 18-year-old daughter who is currently partying away at the Full Moon Party in Thailand. "I think I'll be...

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How having Covid switched back on my Survival Personality

When my lateral flow test was positive and my children's tests were negative, we made the decision for my children to spend the ten days with their...

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Groups - Love them or loathe them?

Last weekend I went to Edinburgh for a wedding with a group of friends I have made at my local CrossFit gym. It was planned months ago and as it...

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What age did you leave home?

When I first did my counselling training and we were exploring Human Growth and Development, I recall the Tutor asking us, "What age did you leave...

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Did going to boarding school help me to run a marathon?

It was the Brighton Marathon. The sun shone and the city came alive as residents came out to support and cheer on the runners. As a young child, I...

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What Type of Survival Personality did you Embrace at Boarding School?

This week, those taking part in my Boarding School Awareness Course started to recognise how they adapted themselves to fit in with their peer...

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