An in person training day exploring the theory, themes and issues which are specific to women who have boarded and how they may show up in the therapy room.


An in person training day exploring the theory, themes and issues which are specific to women who have boarded and how they may show up in the therapy room.

There is very little training which specifically explores women’s experience. What is it like to grow up in a female body in a patriarchal institution? We welcome therapists and coaches, who may also be ex boarders and non boarders as we can learn so much from each other. We will cover theory relevant to female and male boarders as well as practical ways of working gleaned from our many years of experience as specialists in this area of work. We will also focus on material specifically focussed on women’s experience, much of which is also applicable to all women who have been brought up in a patriarchal society and culture. This includes looking at abandonment, internalised misogyny, friendship, envy, sexuality, competition, feminine and masculine archetypes, and shame.

Sara Warner and Amelia White are a non-boarder/ex- boarder team of therapists, who have been trained by Nick Duffell and specialise in working with those who have boarded. Both Sara and Amelia have delivered previous trainings on working with women who have boarded.



CPD certificate of 5.5 hours included. 

When: Friday July 6th.  Brighton and Hove, UK.

Time: 10 - 5pm, including tea/coffee and biscuits.

Cost: £95 


“This training will allow me to be more proactive in encouraging clients to explore the impact of boarding.So much of the information presented on the day was relevant to a particular client. It was as if you were describing her! The most useful part of the day was the discussion within the group and the Q+A with Amelia and Sara. There is no comparison between an in-person training day and one online. It’s very difficult to imagine such positive interactions happening online.”

“I found the combination of the presenters' styles and experience useful. I liked Amelia's sharing of her own Boarding school experiences. This helped bridge the gap between theory and reality for me as an non boarder who has no personal experience of boarding school or private school culture. For the ex boarders it appeared to put them at ease and normalised their experience. I also found the introduction to IFS theory very useful.”


“I appreciated being in a room with fellow course members, being able to easily talk to them and be aware of body language that I would not see on screen. I find online training convenient and affordable but in-person training allows for a greater degree of exchange between participants. This brings a richness I have been missing.”

“It has given me a further look inside the boarding school system, which is helpful when working with clients who have come through it. It has also been thought provoking to notice the commonality between these clients and others who have experienced different forms of neglect and attachment breakdown.”


"I now feel better able to separate my own ex-boarder experience with that of clients and the therapeutic work involved.  In-person feels so much more engaged,powerful, human, emotional. It’s less like training and more like experiencing. Being able to share thoughts, feelings, experience with the group, all whilst sharing the lovely space with lunch, cups of tea, biscuits is so much more conducive to meaningfully absorbing the training.”


"[I enjoyed] All of it. Pinpointing the differences for women ex-boarders from the male experience, identifying presenting issues, behaviours, beliefs. Hearing the experiences of others in the group both from an ex-boarder and therapist POV.


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